Practice Charter


Patient Representative Group

The Abingdon practice profile consists of :-
52% women to 48% men.
Of these 29% were over 50 years and 71% were less than 50 years old.
The ethnicity is :-
31% - British/Irish
50% - White other
10% - Asian
4% - Mixed race
2% - Afrocaribbean
3% - Oriental

Our Practice has had a PRG running for several years. The meetings are held 3 monthly together with a sandwich lunch to try and encourage attendance. They are chaired by one of the partners.

At present our PRG profile is:-
44% male to 64% female.
The percentage over 50 years is 67% and 33% of the group are under 50.
The ethnicity consists of 44% White British, 44% White other and 12% Other.

Our PRG is fairly well matched for age and ethnicity but tends to be slightly older than our patient population. It is difficult to recruit younger members. However the group does tend to represent those who are the higher intensity users of the practice.

If you are interested in joining please ask at reception or enter our Patient discussion forum

Rights and Responsibilities

Patients will be treated with respect and courtesy at all times and the practice staff expect the same in return.
We support the NHS policy of zero tolerance with regard to abusive behaviour. Anyone attending the surgery who is verbally or physically abusive will risk removal from the practice list.

Complaints and Suggestions

If you have a comment, suggestion or complaint, please either speak to a member of our reception team or one of the partners or put it in writing to our reception manager, Ann Murray. A complaint will be acknowledged within 48 hours and a full response within 10 working days.

Freedom of Information - Publication Scheme

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 obliges the practice to produce a Publication Scheme. A Publication Scheme is a guide to the 'classes' of information the practice intends to routinely make available. This scheme is available from reception.

Personal Health Information

Patient's personal information is held in confidence by the practice.
Occasionally the practice collates statistics to support audit and research. This information is anoymous and used for audit purposes only. Any request for information regarding a patient has to be accompanied by a signed authorisation form the patient concerned. We are registered under the Data Protection Act 1988.